Join 4,000+ technologists, decision makers and community members in Raleigh, NC

October 13 - 15


Main Stage Lightning Talks has put together another amazing line-up of lightning talks you don’t want to miss. Speakers have five minutes to enlighten the audience about an open source topic they are passionate about. We’ve got everything from DevOps to Kubernetes, and how open source is used in education, healthcare, government, design, and more. Grab your lunch, find a seat, warm up your Twitter fingers, and get ready for the fastest hour at All Things Open.

Share your favorite thoughts and take-aways using hashtag #AllThingsOpen.

The line-up:

  • Why do we contribute to open source? – Gordon Haff, Red Hat | @ghaff
  • Finding your next open source contribution with Open Sauced – Brian Douglas, GitHub | @bdougieYO
  • Open source design: How to encourage designers contributing to OSS – Eriol Fox, Ushahidi | @erioldoesdesign
  • VistA on Linux – A complete FOSS stack for electronic health records – K.S. Bhaskar, YottaDB | @ksbhaskar
  • #IAmCS: An open source approach for equity-focused CS education – Aria Chernik, Duke University and Mary Hemphill, NC
  • Department of Public Instruction | @ariachernik and @limitless__lady
  • Organizing open source for cities – Jacob Green, | @jacoblyopen
  • How to start contributing to Kubernetes when you have a full time job – Tara Gu, IBM
  • Are you being the right person for DevOps – Josh Atwell, Splunk | @josh_atwell