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October 13 - 15



“Opening” Wall Street: Seizing the opportunity of Open Source in Fintech

Gabriele Columbro   

Financial institutions and fintech vendors are amongst the larger producers of software and employers of highly talented developers worldwide. Yet while Wall Street has been consistently increasing its consumption of open source, this interactive-by-nature ecosystem has been largely missing out on the opportunities presented by collaborating, contributing and building a business model around open source.

In the context of a massive generational and technological evolution, with cloud and decentralized technologies rapidly taking over the industry, the opportunity for an open fintech is huge for financial institution decision makers, for developers and generally for “we the people”, downstream users of the financial services complex.

In this session, Gab, Executive Director of the Fintech Open Source Foundation, the first and only open source Foundation solely focused on financial technology, will discuss the state of open source in the industry, discussing trends, challenges, opportunities, real life case studies of collaboration and extending a call for participation to the extended FLOSS community.