Join 4,000+ technologists, decision makers and community members in Raleigh, NC

October 13 - 15


Open Government / Open Data

Open Source is Erasing State Boundaries

Nikhil Deshpande   

The state of Georgia has used open source for web publishing since 2011. Open source has changed the culture of the Digital Services Georgia (DSGa) team. Embracing a diverse team with varied outlook, and a culture of empathy, the DSGa has built an open source digital platform for government organizations to implement for web publishing. This talk will address how government organizations can adopt an open source mindset and implement a symbiotic culture of collaboration and inclusion with citizens.

The state of Georgia has undergone a re-platforming project to not only migrate 85+ sites, but to architect a new open source platform from the ground up to make use of the future-focused technology. A large enterprise platform needs a digital strategy that not only sustains all the interaction channels people use now, but also avails the platform to be future ready. While we cannot predict which innovations will dominate the digital landscape in the future, we do know that we need a digital platform that is ready for whatever comes next.

This session will shine a light on the lessons learned building an enterprise-scale digital platform. From procuring development partners that share our culture, to understanding user needs, to conceptualizing a solution, to the implementation of the platform’s MVP and beyond.

A huge potential of this project is to enable organizations adopt and implement what we have written and contributed. Georgia is proud to open it’s code to states and/or local government who may not have resources to implement a platform of this scale.