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October 13 - 15


Big Data

Hurry Up and Wait: The Blue Cross journey to same day experiments and big data super powers.

Glenn Bernstein    Robert Emerson   

We will discuss the Blue Cross journey to build an enterprise class data and analytics platform. We started off building a pretty simple Hadoop environment and quickly ran into all the things we didn’t know: Data access, ingestion patterns, governance, security, and scaling to name a few. Eventually we learned what would be possible if we started over and built an entire platform from the ground up in the cloud using devops and scaling strategies.

On the frontier of open data, data ownership, and interoperability, Blue Cross is working to leverage big data: combining claims, clinical, and outside data sources to build a better picture of our members and improve their healthcare and experience. Recent regulatory and policy changes are creating new opportunities and monstrous challenges at the same time around how healthcare data sharing between multiple parties is transacted.