Join 4,000+ technologists, decision makers and community members in Raleigh, NC

October 13 - 15


Hardware / IoT

How Friends Hack Cars. And Stuff.

Lori Wachter    Devin Shackle   

Have you ever thought about everything your car is? We mean everything? It’s not just the wheels that get you to work, around town, and back. Your car is also an amazing piece of technology, ripe with potential in prediction, IoT, and, oh yeah, that AI stuff you’ve for sure heard about. While the future of automotive is being written right now by companies that are technology leaders, any car going back as far as 1968 has a deeper story to tell anyone that is willing to roll up their sleeves and plug in. This talk shows tech savvy drivers with a basic knowledge of python, a Raspberry Pi, an OBD2 dongle, and a car how to plug-in and start getting data from their wheels. And we’ll even throw in the Global Communications Network, because why just use direct connections when you can IoT-ify it and send packets anywhere in the world for more fun?

Also featuring Garrett Bladow, Director of Telemetry for Dragos