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October 13 - 15



Command Line Heroes Arcade: A Practical Guide to Open Game Development

Jared Sprague   

The command line and arcade games don’t mix, or do they? The Command Line Heroes podcast team set out to develop an arcade game based on the command line, which resulted in the “Command Line Heroes: Bash” arcade game, which has been played by thousands at open-source events around the country.

In this session, I will walk you through the full process of developing an open-source game from scratch using this game as an example. We’ll cover design topics such as inspiration, prototyping, balance and adding the “Fun Factor,” and take a deep dive into the technical details, including the development tools we used. Lastly, since allowing people to modify an artistic project can be tricky, we’ll talk about ways that contributors can add to your game.

After the talk you can play “Bash” and other open-source games on our retro arcade cabinets at the Open Jam booth.