John Wolpert


John Wolpert serves as the leader of the ConsenSys Web3Studio, an open source R&D lab extending what people can do with blockchain and Web3 technology.

You can find John’s signature “Product Reviews from the Near Future” on Medium at

John is a seasoned enterprise executive and serial entrepreneur with 30 years in business — a founder of IBM’s global blockchain organization, the open source Hyperledger Fabric project, the original taxi ride hailing service, Flywheel, and the international life science research consortium, IXC. He has created new lines of business for numerous Fortune 100 companies and government organizations. His writing on open source and open innovation have appeared in Harvard Business Review and publications by Harvard Business School Press.

Prior to joining ConsenSys, John was the global product executive for IBM Blockchain, with previous leadership roles serving Watson, IBM Cloud, Extreme Blue, alphaWorks and the Internet Division.