Join 4,000+ technologists, decision makers and community members in Raleigh, NC

October 13 - 15


Have an All Things Open story?

From the beginning we’ve structured All Things Open (ATO) for one reason – to help attendees.  And over the years we’ve heard some amazing stories of past attendees doing amazing things because of what they learned or who they met at the conference.

We’re now considering a series featuring a few of those people and the amazing things they’re doing.  After all, the people attending the event every year are what it’s all about, and all it’s ever been about to us.  It makes us feel good to see people doing well, moving upward and helping people along the way, and knowing we played a small role in some way.

If you have a story and would like to share it, drop us a line at [email protected], subject line Story and we can start the conversation.  There’s no guarantee we’ll feature it of course, but we’re really interested to see what we get.  Our focus has always been not only the technical side of open source, but more importantly, the humanity.  We hope to feature a few stories and people making it all happen.

Contact us directly at the same address – [email protected] with questions.  As always, we’re happy to clarify and help in every way possible.