Join 4,000+ technologists, decision makers and community members in Raleigh, NC

October 13 - 15


Bring Stickers! 2019 Sticker Table made possible by CrowdStrike



As we do every year, we encourage everyone planning to attend the conference to bring stickers and make them available at the Give-One / Take-One Sticker Table.

The Sticker Table is consistently one of the most popular attractions at All Things Open, with crowds gathered pretty much all day both days and consistent traffic throughout.

We love tech and open source stickers and believe it’s one of the unique traditions in the space. In addition, we love comparing and trading stickers we see on laptops everywhere we go. It might sound odd, but stickers say a lot about values and general interests and often serve as a conversation starter around particular issues. And most importantly, they’re just a lot of fun and really brighten up a laptop.

We’ll bring our own stickers and make them available at the table. We encourage others to do the same.

We’d also like to thank our friends at CrowdStrike for making the Sticker table possible.